The Texas Commercial Lease Agreement (TAR-2101), is a contract used for renting out Texas-based commercial property. The form was drafted by the Texas Association of Realtors, and contains all state requirements (Texas’ Ch. 93) necessary for binding both the landlord and tenant to upholding their sides of the deal. It can be used for structuring Triple Net, Gross, and Modified Gross contracts.
Like any legal contract, soliciting the assistance of an attorney or commercial realtor is highly recommended due to the complexity of both the form and the laws surrounding commercial leasing.
Version 1 – TAR Form 2101
Version 2 – eForms
Version 3
Version 4
Version 5
Addendum 1 – Broker’s Fee
Addendum 2 – Lease Extension
Business Search: Texas Taxable Entity Search (Note: Keep entity names specific, as the search tool does not allow searches that yield a lot of results).
Entity Filing Information: Formation of Texas Entities FAQs
Trademark Information: Texas Trademarks FAQs
Filing Database: Texas SOSDirect (This is the central hub for all online business/trademark filing in Texas. Creating an account is required to use the system.)