Create a floor plan

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Start your floor plan with a template that contains shapes for walls, doors, electrical outlets, and more.

Open a floor plan template

  1. Select File >New.
  2. Select Templates >Maps and Floor Plans.
  3. Select the floor plan you want and select Create.

Change the drawing scale

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  1. Select Design.
  2. In the Page Setup group, select the More arrow.

Tip: To use a custom drawing scale, select Custom Scale and enter your own scale ratio.

Add floor plan shapes

  1. Select the Walls, Doors, and Windows stencil.
  2. Drag a room shape onto the drawing page.
  3. To resize the room, drag the control handles.
  4. Drag door and window shapes onto the wall of the room.

Note: Doors and windows rotate automatically to align with the room’s walls. They also acquire the wall’s thickness and move with the room.