With a whistleblowing policy, you can optimise the use of your internal reporting channel. The guideline is aimed at whistleblowers as well as employees and whistleblowing ombudspersons who process incoming reports.
The template from activeMind.legal helps you to draw up a specific whistleblowing policy for your organisation.
According to the German Whistleblower Protection Act (HinSchG), companies and public institutions with 50 or more employees as well as municipalities with 10,000 or more inhabitants must set up internal reporting channels to enable the reporting of grievances (concerning the company). Reports must be able to be made electronically, in writing and verbally. Ideally, companies should use a whistleblower system for this purpose.
The processing and handling of incoming reports is subject to strict requirements, in particular data protection and confidentiality. Accordingly, all affected employees or, alternatively, the external whistleblowing ombudsperson should be made aware of their obligations. A guideline is a good framework for this.
However, the Whistleblowing Policy is also aimed at (potential) whistleblowers in order to inform them of their rights and obligations.