Welcom e to Truly Wirele ss Audio. Now, yo u never need to p lug your earb uds in again. A IRTIME PRO Truly Wi reless ear buds free you t o enjoy music w ithout any thing hold ing you back .
Pairi ng the Wirel ess Earbud s with Your Device1. Simply o pen the cas e and remove th e buds. A pairi ng signal wil l be sent to your B luetooth® device . The earbud s will flash whi te and red, indi cating pai ring mode.
2. Ensure yo ur device’s B luetooth® co nnectio n is on and selec t “IFROGZ A irtime Pr o.”3. Compl ete any addit ional parin g steps bas ed on your devi ce. The earbu ds’ lights w ill flash white an d then turn o , indicatin g that pairi ng was succes sful. Con grats, you r wireless earbu ds are now ready t o use!
Turning Earbuds On/Off To turn the e arbuds on, si mply remove t he buds from th e case.If you wou ld like to use onl y one bud, simp ly remove the r ight earbu d from the cas e. The right earbu d is the primar y bud and can b e used with out the othe r. Please note, th e left ear bud will not work alo ne unless th e right earb ud is also remo ved from the c ase.
To turn ear buds o, simpl y return the m to the case. You c an also press a nd hold the IF ROGZ icon
on the ear bud for ten se conds to tur n it o; it will fla sh red indic ating power i s o. The ear buds will go in to hibernat ion mode if no t used for 20 minu tes. Using the EarbudsAIRTI ME PRO has buil t-in touch nav igationa l controls. S imply tap on t he end of the ear bud (on the IFROGZ l ogo) to naviga te.